On a Rainy Day . . .

Note: Finger cramping is normal when you first begin pencil twirling. It's all of those toxins being released and should subside within a day. If it persists, call a doctor immediately.

Activities Comparison Chart:

Activity Effort Required Materials Enjoyment Factor(1-10) Cost
Pencil Tricks Minimal - Click link above. Grab a pencil. Mimic hand and finger motions in video with pencil. Pencil (original not mechanical preferred) a hand with most fingers intact (# of digits is trick dependent). 6, or 4 if you accidentally stab yourself. Free-$1. If you can't find or steal a pencil and don't want to buy one you can always find a stick and whittle one.
Movies Almost zero - Open your eyes and press play. Monitor, DVD/bluray/TiVo or computer, Movie, Seating, Food (optional but recommended if you intend to do the whole Lincoln or for super long indie films with bad actors). 1-10 (completely movie and company dependent). Free-$15 (remember free online streaming is illegal - I never ever always do this).
Baking Buy ingredients, mix, and bake them. Ingredients, mixing bowls, bakingware, oven mitts, oven, other material required based on recipe. The process is a 4. If you don't burned it and it's edible the product bumps the enjoyment factor up to a 7. $5-70 (costs can skyrocket past $70 depending on quality, brand, etc. But I try to stay in this range, unless I'm willing to make a Mickey D's $1 happy meal concession for every meal for the rest of the month to make up for the expenses). Also, it takes time. Bake at your own risk and wear those mitts or an emergency room visit for burn treatments will be added to the list of expenses.
Art Project Depends on type of project and materials needed. Find a project or an idea and think about what you need to create it. Then buy materials or borrow from a friend. 3-8. $1-60. Time. Potential brain cells if you paint indoors with toxic fumes and the windows closed.
Annoy My Family Writing a lot of ridiculous incessant emails/texts. If I'm really bored, I might scheme and then more effort might be required. A good prank does wonders for the health (of the prankster). If I'm spamming the fam, then any mode of communication will do. Otherwise varies. 5-8. Free-$10. Mainly, my dignity.
Read Enough to move your eyes accross the page and understand the words. Book (any format). 2-7, depends on the book. Free-$25. Time. Attention. Probably a tree - I can't read extensively on a screen.
Wash The Dog A lot. My dog has neck and back problems after she jumped of the couch one too many times and she hates bathes and tries to leap from the tub. The usual soap, water, towel. Change of clothes. 2-4, it briefly jumps to a 7 afterwards when she looks more like a miserable wet white rat than a dog. She's not actually in pain just a drama queen. Free-$7 (to buy shampoo when it runs out). The clothes I'm wearing when I wash her. The water used for the dog and for my own shower after. I prefer not to smell like wet dog all day.

Hey graders, please be kind and roll with the content...

...because I can't knit, and if you don't this picture makes no sense.